Just asking. And, answering.

The New Evangelism, from Catholic Fundamentalism, uses questions. Just asking. And, answering.

“You voted for pro-abortion candidates? If you die without seeking forgiveness, your soul will suffer for eternity.”

“You worry more about some Imaginary Problem like Global Warming than people dying from malaria because environmentalists outlawed DDT? If you die without seeking forgiveness, your soul will suffer for eternity.”

“You encourage women to not have children so they will get jobs and pay taxes? If you die without seeking forgiveness, your soul will suffer for eternity.”

“You urged people who were unhappy in their marriages to seek divorce, rather than reconciliation? If you die without seeking forgiveness, your soul will suffer for eternity.”

“Vacations and travel were more important to you than having a family? If you die without seeking forgiveness, your soul will suffer for eternity.”

“You were born Catholic, you left The Church for some schism, and now you don’t go to any church? If you die without seeking forgiveness, your soul will suffer for eternity.”

Just asking. And, answering.

Many important questions have one answer. Just asking. And, answering. It’s what we do.
