“I’m smart, Mikey. I’m smart, too.”

A classic line in The Godfather is the vicious, envious Fredo telling Mikey in a pathetic voice rising to anger, “I’m smart, Mikey. I’m smart, too.” That was after Michael discovered that the jealous Fredo was behind the assassination attempt on him and his family. So, Fredo had to go.

Fredo’s jealous whine, “I’m smart, Mikey. I’m smart, too.” is a favorite litany of the unhappy people whose bitterness brings them to Babylon. Babylon provides them with the illusion that they are more than they are, and are entitled to more.

Many feel, as Fredo, entitled. Rather than thank God for the wonderful gifts He has given them, those who embrace Babylon actually hate God for not giving them more. That hatred extends to hate their neighbors, whom they plague in every way they can.

Babylonians hate God and their neighbors so much they encourage birth control, abortion, and euthanasia. They impoverish them with all manner of taxes and regulations, all promulgated by the great lie, “We are trying to keep you safe.”

Those who hate their neighbors want them to be poor. Prices of taxes, utilities, gasoline, food, medical care, and all that helps make life enjoyable are made ever more confiscatory. Imaginary Problems force people to pay twenty times more for wind-generated electricity than the couple of cents/kwh that simple, effective nuclear reactors cost. School lunches become inedible exercises in self-righteousness. Living is harder.

The Babylonians in charge love it when our lives are more painful, poorer, and, shorter.

Babylonians hated Jesus. They hate His Church. They hate every church to the degree that it is similar to The Only Church Jesus Founded.

Babylonians hate you. And me. Though they never admit it, they hate themselves, throwing themselves right into the culture of death.
