Where The Flood water came from:

Sometimes, science comes up with a justification for Scriptural accounts of Creation. Genesis makes it clear. The Flood came because it rained for forty days and nights.

The Bible also says that a lot of the Flood water came up “from springs”. That has been used as justification for looking at The Flood as an allegory, rather than an actual event.

Now, it appears there are “oceans of water” bound up in minerals below the surface.


The Loving Programmer just released the trapped water, and The Flood, as it was programmed to do, lifted up the icecaps and used them as giant bulldozers (“Bigbergs” to scrape and reform the surface of the earth.

The sediment picked up settled, forming the layers of rapidly compressing sedimentary rock. The Grand Canyon was provided to let us see how one river could slice through the hundreds of layers quickly.

Babylonians, and the Conventional Reality they prefer, want nothing to do with any of this. “Everything is real old. And, it’s an accident. Got that!”

We know better. Therefore, we have a better chance of getting to Heaven. Babylonians don’t like that, either. That’s why they’re so mad all the time.
