Babylon’s first profitable climate lie.

Before “news” was more completely transformed into “lies”, there were frequent press releases about the world growing warmer or colder. As recently as the 1970s, headlines screaming “We are heading for another Ice Age!” helped sell newspapers and magazines.

Then, the faddy fears and exaggerations took on new meaning. After 1960, media focused on inventing fears. “News” was turned into endless false alarms. Participating Babylonians made billions! And, lost their souls.

Many remember: Babylon’s first profitable climate lie.

“The Ozone Hole! The Ozone Hole is destroying us!” The ‘ozone hole” was an annual occurrence. A stratospheric layer of ozone near Antarctica disappeared, and re-appeared, every year due to annual changes in sunlight. It was a natural, well-known phenomenon that had gone on since the beginning.

In that more innocent and honest age, freon was used in factories, offices, vehicles, and homes in every wealthy nation on earth. Freon was so cheap that we could go to K-Mart and buy a can of it, and a tube to put it in our air conditioner, for 99 cents.

Then, Babylon struck! Company scientists told CEOs: “Freon changes ozone.” CEOs quickly understood: “If we can make the fools think that the Ozone Hole is dangerous, and that freon causes the Ozone Hole, we can pass laws mandating expensive replacements for freon. We’ll make billions!”

Huge chemical companies put lobbyists, marketing and public relations experts to work on the profitable, fraud-based scheme. Freon was demonized. When companies, and the environmental allies they subsidized, had made enough campaign contributions, freon was made illegal.

Now, the .99 cent can of freon costs $25.00 and can only be installed by a licensed expert. Their profit margins are obscene.

The most amazing thing of all? People who think themselves intelligent will say “I am glad to pay more for freon replacements because I want to protect the earth from the Ozone Hole.”

The first shall be last. Those who think they are smartest are among the dumbest. Vanity blinds them to the simple truth: they are gullible pawns of brighter Babylonians.

Those who believe Babylon’s old lies readily believe the new lies. In the past few years, a similar Fake science/False alarm Marketing Plan has raised the cost of a fifty cent light bulb to five or ten dollars!

Are they smart enough to notice they’ve been bamboozled again? No. The poor fools, as instructed by their Babylonian masters, proudly proclaim “I am glad to pay more to protect the earth from Global Warming.”

While Babylon lies, The Church reminds us: “It is wrong to bear false witness.” Dante makes it clear: “Those involved in ‘complex frauds’ spend eternity in agony.” Those fooled by Babylon’s “complex frauds” grow poorer, angrier, and usually lose their souls. Those who profit from the lies fall ever farther into sin.

The Garden is self-weeding.
