Judgment is coming. The smart bet is best.

Some people take risks. Men and women gamble on sports, cards, casino games, stocks, bonds, and all manner of opportunities that may provide a reward.

People also take gambles with people. “So-and-so wants me to ________.” I think I’ll bet that will work out.”

We gamble with jobs and careers. “I think I’ll quit what I’m doing and go to work doing _________.”

When something goes wrong, we bet on doctors. “I am going to trust Dr. Smith to treat this very serious disorder.”

Sometimes, we need advisers on legal and financial issues. We gamble that we are going to choose the one whose advice will provide the greatest benefit.

Gambling is such a big part of our lives that we often forget that we put our soul on the line with every moral decision. “I’m betting God will forgive me if I __________.”

We also gamble with the best way to get our soul into Heaven. The safest bet? “I am betting my immortal soul on The Only Church Jesus Founded. There are over 40,000 man-invented schisms. Each claims to get me to Heaven. That is ridiculously risky.

Jesus told us how to make the safest bet on our soul: “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.” The Church He founded is the only place I may receive His Body and Blood. The smartest bet I can make is that it’s best to obey His instructions, so I’m doing what’s necessary to eat His Body and drink His Blood. I wager that He Who died painfully for us is not happy with half-measures.

Any other indications that being Catholic is a smart bet? He was clear: “If you obey My commands you are My friends.” Who would want to risk losing His friendship by ignoring The Only Church to which He gave the Keys to Heaven?

Judgment is coming. The smart bet is best.
