The thousand year reign

If Europe and the Americas were Catholic, there would be very little abortion and more respect for all life. It is very hard for people who are taught “It’s all right to kill your child.” to love their neighbor, let alone God.

If Europe and the Americas were Catholic, there would be far, far less divorce. Stronger, better families would have brought billions more children into the world. They would be similarly oriented toward life, truth, and His Church.

If Europe and the Americas were Catholic, artificial birth control would not be destroying countless numbers of the tiniest and most helpless babies.

If Europe and the Americas were Catholic, missionaries would be converting Communists and others who hate to love their neighbors.

If Europe and the Americas were Catholic, We would not be threatened with invasions because we would not be too paralyzed with division to stand up for ourselves and our children.

All those “Ifs” are true. We may correctly say, “If Europe and the Americas were Catholic, the world would be a better place.”

Before Martin Luther, Europe was Catholic. Since then, Europe and the Americas have been riven by division. Now, Christendom is fragmented by 43,000 individual schisms. A new one starts every ten hours. Each is led by a person who says “I can get you to Heaven!” Confusion multiplies and paralyzes.

The Catholic Church reigned for a thousand years after Rome’s fall. The thousand year reign ended with Luther’s rise. Soon, divorce and abortion began destroying families and lives. Vain, divisive notions took root and flourished.

A billion deaths by abortion began after Luther ended the thousand year reign that was foretold in Rev. 20. Never before has evil caused so many helpless innocents to be sacrificed on Babylon’s altars of convenience.

The thousand year reign was foretold to end when evil “came out of the abyss”. Can we now see whose awful vanity ended the thousand year reign? Do we know who came from the abyss in Rev 20: 1-8?
