Protestant questions #1.

The Only Church Jesus Founded is very clear on the biggest issue of all. Anyone who participates in an abortion is automatically excommunicated.

Many Protestants agree, believing that abortion is such an awful attack on the innocent that it automatically separates one’s soul from God.

Abortion divides humanity into two groups. Those who are Pro-Life have a chance at Heaven. Those who are Pro-Abortion may be eternally lost.

Protestant questions #1. They must be answered because the problem is so huge. Over a billion unborn children have been aborted in the last half-century. If all Pro-Life Christians were Roman Catholic, there would be enough political influence to stop abortion. How do we know that? When there were only a few schisms, and most followed Catholic Teaching on abortion, there was no legalized abortion.

Now, with 43,000 schisms, Pro-Life people are scattered among competing groups. It is impossible to gather the political unity to elect Pro-Life legislators. All those schisms are, in one word, death. That leads to Protestant questions #1.

“If I am part of the confusion, I am on the side of death. Protestant questions #1. To me, it is clear that I must ask: ‘Can I get to Heaven if I freely choose to be part of the confusion that allows the killing to continue? Can I get to Heaven if I understand that and refuse to choose to be part of The Only Church that has never wavered on this issue?'”

We can clearly see the confusion caused by not being Catholic. Every ten hours, another ambitious man builds a better ladder to Heaven. There is a tangled forest of such 43,000 such ladders. Some began as disordered desires that took theological form. Others are a sincere reaction to prior excesses.

It is a fact: if all the Pro-Life people in those 43,000 schisms were to become Roman Catholic, the ongoing destruction of unborn babies would be stopped.

Protestant questions #1. They are clearly important. Can those who avoid being part of the only solution immediately at hand, conversion to The Only Church with a consistent, complete Pro-Life doctrine, be saved?

Protestant questions #1. must not only be asked at every opportunity. They must be answered in the affirmative. Then, they must be acted upon with an urgency that shows we take innocent lives seriously.

Those who wish to be saved must not delay.
