The Boobs of Babylon

The first government officials seized power in the City of Babel. They invented projects, bureaus and agencies to provide funding and stay in power. These funding agencies were later symbolized in statues portraying the many-breasted goddess, Artemis.

The ancient statues help us see a lasting truth: all government funding mechanisms are easily understood as “The Boobs of Babylon”.aretemis-diana-goddess-ephesus-f03

From Babel to today, the many, many breasts of Artemis symbolize Babylon’s funding mechanisms. Typical of The Boobs of Babylon are today’s Environmental Imaginary Problem Profiteers. The endless frauds of “new math” and “sight reading” are among The Boobs of Babylon Education Departments. Every unnecessary bureau and funding mechanism is seen in historical perspective as one of The Boobs of Babylon.

Public Officials often believe the press releases generated by The Boobs of Babylon. Catholics understand that they often lose their souls. Dante tells us that, after Judgment, the souls of Public Officials involved in “Complex Frauds” are sentenced to eternal torture by the most vicious demons in the Lower Circles of hell. One easily imagines Al Gore, suckling noisily at the Global Warming breast amid The Boobs of Babylon.

Most Public Officials do not think about Dante, The Inferno, or their immortal souls. To their eternal regret, many will find that “ignorance is no excuse”. So, it is up to us to pray for our Elected Officials and Administrators: “Please, God: Let our Governor, his Administrators, and our Legislators avoid the pains of hell by loving God and their neighbors more than illicit gain. Give them the wisdom and courage to resist The Boobs of Babylon.”

When we see a press release about an Imaginary Problem/Funding Opportunity, we may begin our ascent to wisdom by asking, “Which of The Boobs of Babylon generated that press release?”

No one is tempted as much and as often as Public Officials. They need our prayers for the strength to resist illicit temptations. It is our Christian duty to pray for them. Many are led astray by The Boobs of Babylon.
