The title is so much better than the article that we will simply dispense with most of the contents.
We have already seen one link to something similar. referring to a giant German artillery piece that fired a projectile that weighed about two tons.
Hopefully, a reader will have and share a suggestion for an article that fits such a fine title as “Rootin’, Tootin’, Two-ton Teuton”.
The title does one thing well: It helps us understand the difficulty that others have in learning The English Language. “tootin”, “two-ton” and “Teuton” all sound alike, but the intellectual gymnastics of an English speaker are able to make some sort of sense out of the sentence “Rootin’, tootin’, two-ton Teuton.”
A few years ago, a book on the complexity of our language was published with a title of similar clarity: “Eats Shoots and Leaves”. It may be that “Rootin’ Tootin’ Two-ton Teuton” is a worthy title to a second in the series.