It is not uncommon to see rich, older men with young, pretty girls. Often, old bodies are not able to answer sudden demands. Many find that sexual activity may be enhanced by various chemicals.
Often, the heart and circulatory systems may not be able to handle excess stimulation.
Sometimes, a horny old goat has a stroke and dies, not even halfway through what he’s doing. He might have lived decades longer. But, he gravely miscalculated. Now, he is dead. He probably didn’t even have time to ask God to forgive him for fornicating.
All his remaining years were lost, for a few fleeting moments. Many who die in the midst of willful sin can’t avoid the eternal pains of hell.
Older women read the newspapers. They can always figure out when that happens. Older, wiser women then say: “There’s no fool like an old fool.” While there are other times it applies, that’s when it has the most meaning.