The Paris attack in perspective

Yesterday, Moslems unleashed a vicious attack on Paris, killing over a hundred innocent people.

Put the Paris attack in perspective.

Yesterday, there was another vicious attack in Paris. Abortionists viciously killed over a hundred innocent unborn children.

We see the difference when we put the Paris attack in perspective. The Moslem killers only went on a killing spree in a French city for the first time since the invasion before the Battle of Tours, over a thousand years ago.

Abortionists in France, on the other hand, kill hundreds of unborn babies every day of the week. More, sometimes, on Saturdays.

Those with even the most elementary sense of history know that God has used Moslems to punish disobedient Christians. “The Scourge of God” fell on all the lands and cities once ruled by the Greek Orthodox, punishing them for redefining The Trinity and abandoning The Only Church Jesus Founded, splitting Christendom in two.

Our crimes against the unborn cry out for vengeance. God is using Moslems to punish nations and peoples who, like those of Babylon and beyond, allow and encourage the sacrifice children on the altar of convenience.

If we do not return to The Only Church Jesus Founded, the killing of helpless children will continue. God’s anger will grow. More will die. We will either choose obedience and life or sin and death.
