The great Protestant crime

Every order is begun, established, and attacked. Abels build. Cains destroy.

America’s 400 year political and cultural structure was developed by white, Anglo-Saxon Protestants. Its traditional, largely Catholic-based moral values were corrupted. Opposing groups took control of key institutions. They became established and are being attacked by new Cains.

Americans and Europeans have lost the sense of our history that no Babylonian wants us to have. Our connection with the Old Testament is vigorously denied. Yet, the facts are clear.

Consider the Prophet, Jeremiah 23:5-8 “Behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will raise up a righteous shoot to David; As king he shall reign and govern wisely, he shall do what is just and right in the land. In his days Judah shall be saved, Israel shall dwell in security. This is the name they give him: “The LORD our justice.”
God is using Jeremiah to tell us us that The Messiah, out of a global population of an estimated 300,000,000, will be from a few hundred or thousand people within the tiny House of David within The Tribe of Judah.

“Therefore, the days will come, says the LORD, when they shall no longer say, “As the LORD lives, who brought the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt”; but rather, “As the LORD lives, who brought the descendants of the house of Israel up from the land of the north” – and from all the lands to which I banished them;they shall again live on their own land.

Catholic Fundamentalism suggests that Jeremiah is speaking of those who were sent North, deported by Shalmansar and his Assyrians around 720 BC. Those “descendants of the house of Israel up from the land of the north” maintained some tribal identity and continued to expand.

Old Testament passages like 1 Macc 12:29, 2 Macc 4:47, and Col 3:11 tell of Scythians. So did Herodotus and other ancient historians. They lived in and around the Caucasus Mountains for so long that “Caucasian” is another word for “White person”.

Ssome Scythians migrated East, and became Parthians. A large number of those moving West and North identified themselves as Goths. They became so numerous that they divided into Ostrogoths and Visigoths.

The Visigoths seized Spain. From there, Visigoths were led by the Genoan (another Gothic group?) Columbus and swarmed to the Americas. Nearly all American Hispanics are, to some degree Visigoth. Before that, they were Goth. Before that, Scythian. Before that they were from one or more of The Ten Northern Tribes deported into the North by Shalmansar in, and following, 720 BC.

Thus it is with most European peoples. When our ancestors were united as Catholics and faithful to The Only Church Jesus Founded, they could defend themselves from the destructive descendants of Ishmael.

Martin Luther and the great Protestant crime of weakening The Catholic Church with 43,000 competing schisms makes it hard for we of the Ten Tribes to defend ourselves from destroying sons of Cain. Babylonians like it that way.
