The great Protestant error

Believing that it is enough to say “I believe in Jesus and the Bible.’ while refusing to obey all that Jesus taught is the great Protestant error.

Those who commit the great Protestant error are easily identified by their reaction to a few of Jesus’ teachings.  The great Protestant error begins with refusing to see the fullness of “Verily, verily I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.  What you bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven.  What you loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven.”

Jesus is clearly saying that He is founding One Church.  It is will have one man in charge.  Jesus promises that “the gates of hell” shall not prevail over The Only Church He Founded.  No lies will compromise or dilute its truth.   It’s doctrines will remain forever right and forever unsullied.   He gives The Only Church He Founded the power to admit souls into Heaven and to keep souls out of Heaven.

Despite His clear, direct words, many commit the great Protestant error of twisting or changing His teaching to justify not being in The Only Church He Founded.  The vanity that denies Jesus is clear for all to see when someone says “He didn’t really mean that.”  Why would someone commit the great Protestant error?

People leave The Only Church Jesus Founded because they want to break its rules.  Despite choosing to sin, often being in a relationship The Church disapproves, they still want to get to Heaven.  So, they select one of the 43,000 groups where self-deception is applauded.

That is the great Protestant error.

The greater Protestant error is to think they are smart enough to fool Jesus.   “As long as I say ‘I believe in Jesus and the Bible.’, He will let me into Heaven.”

They do not see that they are insulting Jesus.  They are really saying “I don’t care if Jesus did suffer and die to give me a chance to save my soul.  There are some sins I want to commit, and I can fool Jesus by joining some group that says “We only have to believe in Him.  We can ignore ‘Verily, verily, I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’   We don’t have to obey rules in The Only Church He Founded.  Jesus will understand.”

He will, indeed.   Those who have given up the life He promised by saying “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”, will see that making the great Protestant error costs them everything good, forever.

To those making the big Protestant error, we cry, “For Heaven’s sake, be Catholic!”



