The greater the hate, the farther from God

Unhappiness is caused, and measured, by a soul’s distance from God.   As that distance increases, souls seek solace in sin.   Imaginary problems, false idols, and magic answers are doorways to the hatred that takes political form in regulation, taxation, tyranny, slavery, and death.  “The greater the hate, the farther from God.”

We see great hatred that some anti-Catholics have for The Church Jesus Founded.   Catholics realize:  “Our greatest enemies, Judas and Luther, come from within.”

Most Protestants and Catholics share beliefs that Jesus fulfilled the prophecies:   He is The Second Person of The Holy Trinity.  He was crucified, rose from the dead, ascended into Heaven and will Judge the living and the dead.   We have much in common.

There are differences.

Without Confession and Absolution, any Catholic is automatically excommunicated from The Church, and from any hope of Heaven, if he or she helps to procure an abortion.   No Catholic is allowed to use artificial birth control.  Catholic priests are required to take Vows of Celibacy, Obedience, and, often, Poverty.

The Catholic Church’s teaching on all such issues is clear.

On the other side of the fence, many Protestant denominations allow abortion.  Even their married clergy are not proscribed from using artificial birth control chemicals and devices that bring death to the very tiniest of babies.

Still, they say, “Even though our denominations allow abortion, we are just as good.”

That is what Cain said to God and Abel.  The vain choice to not see the difference between obedience and disobedience is the difference between happiness and unhappiness, life and death, Heaven and Hell.
