Desire For Praise hurts, helps, or saves.

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We all have a Desire For Praise. We may consider a cashmere sweater. “Two-ply”, “four-ply”, “cardigan”, “V-neck”, “turtle-neck”, and “crew-neck” are considered. We decide on style and color. Those thinking about a new tattoo have similar thoughts and considerations. So do those buying a jet or a jalopy. They are Praise-bait.

We think about such decisions because they let us show and tell, silently or more obviously: “Look what I have! Look what I did! Don’t I look good? Aren’t I smart? Didn’t I get a good buy? I am with it!” The Creation Program was downloaded in such a way that every adornment from cashmere to tattoos, and every conceivable doodad and gizmo, is available to satisfy our Desire For Praise.

The inordinate amount of time and money we spend on our Desire For Praise is obvious. Our mail boxes are filled with catalogues. Newspapers, magazines, and computer screens overflow with picture after picture of items that appeal to our Desire For Praise. We see then, and say to our self, “If I had one or two of those, I could say ‘Look what I have! Don’t I look good? Aren’t I smart? Don’t I have good taste? Aren’t I with it? Au courant?’ I could be praised!”

On our computer, ads pop up. Not by accident. The Praise-Bait we choose to view on our computer is automatically analyzed by marketers. Did we look up a new vehicle? Soon, information about the very same sort of vehicles begin to show up, unsolicited, on our screen.

Most of us focus our Desire For Praise on such comparatively harmless Praise-Bait as showing off new clothes, vehicles, dwellings, and doodads. Less loving people have a Desire For Praise that comes from showing off by bullying or hurting others.

The Desire For Praise can hurt us. But, the Desire For Praise can help. There is one Desire For Praise that can save our soul.

The Only Church Jesus Founded has Saints and scholars who tell us how to use our Desire For Praise properly. Catholics are taught to focus on a particular praise promised by He Who Fulfilled the Prophecies. Those who most properly obey Him will be told, when their soul stands before Him at Judgment: “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”

That is the highest praise possible! It is upon that which our Desire For Praise must focus. Humble obedience to The Church will turn what can be a curse into the greatest of all blessings.
