Conversations between Catholics and Protestants have a good point: Catholic gratitude grows each time we hear about one of the sillier Protestant Marketing Plan masquerading as a religion and realize, “This thing is a Marketing Scheme!” We look back at the origin of such silliness and say, “Thank you, Martin Luther!”
A Catholic speaking with a Lutheran realizes, “I’m not speaking with a Lutheran, but with person whose ancestors were led astray by attacks on The Catholic Church. Luther was merely a pawn of financial and political opportunists who wanted Catholic land, assets, tithes, and believers. He was paid by Phillip of Hesse and others to come up with a Marketing Plan and Talking Points to undermine belief in The Church and allow a theological takeover. In a brilliant marketing move, his advertising advisers had him nail the Marketing Plan’s 95 Talking Points to a church door. Those unable to see through the deception are unable to see through the deception.”
As that enormous truth sinks in, it is hard to take many denominations seriously. Calvin, claiming to be Christian while ordering dozens to be burned at the stake for disagreeing with him, shows the overweening vanity behind many start-ups in the Religion Business. England’s Protestant leaders, killing close to two million Catholics in England and Ireland, were worse.
When we ask “Did all the anti-Catholic denominations begin as opportunities for their inventors to get rich and have sex? Did they invent Imaginary Problems to justify attacking The Church?” It is hard to avoid saying, “Yes.”
The results have been tragic. While Catholic settlers in the New World protected Indians so well that 85% of their peoples till have Indian DNA, tens of millions of Indians in areas settled by England’s Imperialistic Protestants were exterminated. Their lands were sold to finance further death, confiscation, and sales.
Every day, 3-4,000 unborn babies are killed. Pro-Life people, divided among 43,000 denominations, cannot unite effectively enough to save them.
Moslem invasions of nations can’t be stopped by Christians divided into 43,000 competing denominations.
The Scourge of God is falling. “Thank you, Martin Luther!”, we say, knowing that there is a bright side: By being around Catholics for five hundred years, every Lutheran, Anglican, and Presbyterian is a better Christian than the inventors of their denominations.