A quote from H.L. Mencken helps us understand government: “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” We see clearly: Outside The Church, chaos and confusion reign.
“Pretend Problems” like Global Warming, The Ozone Hole, Global Freezing, and the hundreds of “very scary things” that we are told about every day, are “imaginary hobgoblins”. Pretend Problems are invented to increase the power of others over us.
Now, we are no longer frightened and distracted by Pretend Problems. So, real problems are encouraged. Criminals are allowed into nations to plunder and impoverish. Extremists encourage attacks on police officers to provide excuses to disarm citizens. Armed forces are infiltrated and controlled by those who wish to turn weapons on their own nations. People are disarmed. Taxes are raised. Regulations abound.
Nations sink quickly from prosperity into poverty. Cuba and Venezuela were reduced to endless food lines in a few years. Outside The Church, chaos and confusion come quickly. Some are elated by the misery. Lost souls love death and destruction.
The Book of Revelation helps Catholics understand. “The Mark of the Beast” describes souls who prefer death to life. “The Mark of The Beast” identifies those who prefer hate to love and want lies more than truth.
In every generation, those branded with “The Mark of the Beast” yearn to destroy destruction. Riots are encouraged. Stability is hated. Every social structure is attacked. Freedom is despised. Families are intentionally destroyed. Education is undermined. Truth is neither taught nor told. Hate and sin are enshrined.
Amid the clouds of gathering gloom, the only ray of light comes from The Body of Christ. That Holy Food is miraculously available to all blessed with belief in, and obedience to, Jesus and The Only Church He Founded.