Mt 11:25-26 “Jesus exclaimed: ‘I give praise to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike. Yes, Father, such has been your gracious will.'”
Catholics know: “It pays to be childlike!”
An amazing revelation to the childlike concerns Creation. Catholic Fundamentalism understands: “Anything we can do, God can do better!”
We program our computer screens with realistic-looking drawings made from 2-D pixels. The childlike conclude: “God can do that in three dimensions! He programs elements, compounds, planets, plants, and people with 3-D pixels!”
The childlike understand! God wrote and downloaded complexities in The Creation Program to separate sheep from goats! He made a universe so that every person is free to choose. The childlike choose belief: “Thank You, God, for putting me amid Your wondrous Creation!”
Disdainful Deniers decide: “This is all a complicated accident that has evolved over time. There is no God Whom we need to obey.”
Believers look at the fossil record and conclude: “This just shows which animals sank first in The Flood.” Deniers declare, “This proves the universe is twenty billion years old.”
Believers look at sedimentary rock on high peaks and through the depths of the Grand Canyon and conclude, “These layers of sediment were dropped and compressed into rock by the tremendous weight of the huge tidal wave that rolled around the earth during The Flood. In some places, the crust was so distorted it pushed whole layers of sedimentary rock, as on Mt. Everest, as much as five miles into the air!”
Deniers declare: “This is all the proof we need that things are billions of years old. No God is necessary for this.”
Their vanity insults God. He permits their proud pontifications as they pass in Parade on the Broad Path as they head to the end of the road they have chosen.