The Roman centurion knew more than anyone!


What did The Centurion know?  The Roman Centurion knew more than anyone!   He knew that:  Angels are tiny enough to manipulate molecules!  Matthew 8: 5-13 tells us:

The Centurion was blessed with knowing the power of angels.  He knew that Jesus could have them do His bidding.  Jesus sent an angel, “at that moment”, showing every generation how fast they fly at His command to manipulate enough molecules to provide a cure.

The paralytic was cured.  All that was wrong was fixed as angels restored and realigned countless millions of malfunctioning molecules in a moment.

When we plead, “Help me, God!”, we are actually asking that He send powerful, sub-microscopic angels to rearrange electrons, atoms, and molecules in our minds and bodies.

Back then, The Roman Centurion knew more than anyone!  Today, every good Catholic asks God to send angels to help.   The poor Protestants are separated from that.   There is never a reminder of angels in their sterile churches!   We must ask God to send angels to help Protestants understand that The Roman Centurion knew more than anyone!

Best to be Catholic!
