“I am the Captain of my fate.”

Das Containerschiff «CSCL Globe» der Reederei China Shipping Group läuft am 13.01.2015 in Hamburg in den Hafen ein. Das größte Schiff der Welt besucht Hamburg auf seiner Jungfernreise. Die «CSCL Globe» ist knapp 400 Meter lang und 58,60 Meter breit und kann 19.100 Container (TEU) tragen. Foto: Dabuek Bockwoldt/dpa

Huge ships have tiny captains.  A ship may be 1200 feet long and carry 600,000 tons.  It’s tiny captain is six feet tall and weighs 180 pounds.  The comparatively microscopic captain runs the huge ship.  He uses a small part of a brain that weighs three pounds.  The soul that guides the thoughts within the captain’s brain is a tiny spark, smaller than the period at the end of this sentence.

The ship has a Global Positioning System.  The captain knows how to get the ship to port.

The Only Church Jesus Founded has been compared to a boat.  It has been called “The Bark of Peter”.  A bark is a small ship, b3-rembrandt-genezareth-a6f01727about the size of a modern tugboat.

We are all “Captains” because we know:  “I am the Captain of my fate.”  In every generation, every “Captain” is beset with storms that strain to sink his or her ship.

Some of us are blessed with the great humility to say:  “I need guidance, help, and direction.  I need insight.  I need a Global Positioning System to get my soul to the Heavenly port.  I need a good Navigator to give me direction!  When I find a good Navigator, I must be humble enough to heed his advice!”

Some realize:  He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies is Truth in Human Form.  I will not merely listen to Him.  I will obey.”

We find that Love and Truth in human form gave us the most bizarre Navigational Aid in history.  He repeated, EIGHTEEN TIMES,
“If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

That clear call to Catholic Communion provides a Holy Food that aligns our soul with God.   His Holy Food gives our soul the strength to control our darker desires.  He guides our boat to port.  We do not sink in the raging storms of sin.

