Catholics have a duty to help Protestants when

last supper

Catholics have a duty to help Protestants when they proudly proclaim, “I believe so I am saved!”   Protestants often refer to:  John 6: 40,  “For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have eternal life, and I shall raise him on the last day.”

Catholics try to explain to our Protestant friends:    “You are not listening closely enough to Jesus.  You only hear only what you want.   You miss the point.  You do not ‘see the Son‘.”

Protestants:  “Huh?”

Loving Catholics explain:  “Jesus was clear.  It is God’s will that everyone who “sees the Son and believes in Him may have eternal life, and I shall raise him on the last day.”  You only believe, but you are not one who ‘sees the Son‘.  Jesus was clear:  to be saved, we must ‘see the Son’ AND ‘believe’.  How can you be raised ‘on the last day’? if you do not ‘see the Son’?

“But, I believe.  I do believe!  And, Jesus is not here.  No one can actually ‘see’ Him,.  All we can do is believe!

Loving Catholic:  “You are missing Jesus’ point.  Catholic priests are Ordained with the Power to turn bread and wine into The Body and Blood of Christ at every Catholic Mass since The Last Supper.  When a Catholic priest holds The Sacred Body and Blood of Jesus up before obedient Catholics, we ‘see the Son‘.”

Disobeying Protestant:  “We don’t believe that.  We just believe that we must believe.”

Loving Catholic:  “That is not enough.  You say you believe that Jesus is God.  Jesus tells you that to be saved you must “see the Son AND believe in Him.”  You insist that you only need to ‘believe‘.  Therefore, you are disobeying Jesus.  How can you get into Heaven by knowingly and willingly ignoring half of what He tells you?”
