Catholics condemn micro-murder. Protestants?

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Catholics condemn micro-murder.  Protestants?  There are about 45,000 denominations.  Each was invented by an ambitious Protestant man with a Marketing Plan.  They largely disagree with Catholic Teaching:  “It is a sin to use artificial birth control chemicals and implants that kill the tiniest babies shortly after they are conceived.”

Do any among the 45,000 Marketing Plan Denominations love their own children enough to condemn birth control chemicals and devices that kill them?

Can we help but conclude that those who reject The Only Church Jesus Founded care more about personal pleasure than the micro-murder of our tiniest neighbors?

Few in Protestantism want to think about protecting helpless, tiny, unborn children.   “We want to have sex.  We do not want to have children.  We use artificial birth control chemicals or implants.  We do not want to think, about the countless, tiny babies we have killed.”

Many know, at some level, that abortion-inducing chemicals and devices kill their own tiny babies.   A dead place appears and grows in their mind.  “I am not going to think about the very tiny children we have killed.  I am not!  And, I will respond with hatred and vituperation toward any Catholic who warns of murder!”

To be fair, government and media institutions are directed by life-haters.   None are told the truth about killing our own babies with deadly chemicals and devices.   We are not encouraged to consider the results of such actions.  We have been desensitized to death.

But, as we gain knowledge and wisdom, we see this truth:  “If I am not an obedient Catholic, I am supporting the slaughter of my most helpless, innocent neighbors.”

When we see that truth, we see another truth that applies to our own immortal soul:  “Many are called.  Few are chosen.”  We pray to do what we must to save our souls.  It is best to be an obedient Catholic.
