The lowest levels of Protestantism proclaim “I believe in my Jesus!” Many rise above that barely diluted human vanity to: “I have a personal relationship with Jesus. I love Jesus. He wants me to be happy.” Should we be thankful for Protestantism?
Yes, because many are blessed to ascend from that: “I believe in Jesus and The Bible. Jesus wants me to be happy and good (but not ‘too good’. We don’t need celibate priests!).” The levels of Protestantism are clear. Most are on the 45,000 denomination level. Each was invented by an ambitious Protestant man with a Marketing Plan that “welcomes people into Heaven”.
Marketing Plan Denominations do share this great truth: “We believe in Jesus because He fulfilled prophecies written centuries before He was born. The Dead Sea Scrolls, buried before Jesus was born, show that He fulfilled those prophecies.”
“We must confuse the meaning of the word ‘rock’ so that it includes our denominations!”
Perceptive professional Protestants have produced libraries full of “Rock Dialogues”. The “Rock Dialogues” justify being in groups calling themselves “Christian” while denying the clear meaning of Christ’s words: “
Those who take Jesus most seriously rise to a higher level: It is best to be in The Only Church Jesus Founded. We may be thankful to Protestantism for showing many the way!