Four Kinds of Protestants, Class A, B, C and D.



Catholics understand there are:   Four Kinds of Protestants, Class A, B, C and D.

Class A Protestants share many beliefs with The Church Jesus Founded and “protest” others.  Some of their denominations have enough structure to allow them to expel excessively sinful clergy.  Class A Protestants believe in The Holy Trinity.

Class A Protestants believe they have immortal souls that will go to Judgment.  As a result, they uphold basic beliefs.  They respect The Ten Commandments, Baptism and Marriage.  Most Class A Protestants are Pro-Life when it comes to actual abortion.  They protest doctrines that are “too firm” about birth control, even that which induces abortion.  They protest being “overly rigorous” about divorce, remarriages and sex outside of marriage.

Class B Protestants are in “independent churches”.  “No one is going to tell us what to do!”  Their denominations tend to be shamelessly self-promoting.  The more modern Class B Protestants are “Fun, friendly, and up-to-date!”  Assistant ministers are rated on the % of tithes they collect.  Lots of programs!  Lots of projects!  Lots of love and concern!  “Neighborliness” joins “Outreach” to keep the ever-bigger buildings filled in a continual flurry of feel-good activities.

Class C Protestants protest against ANY structure.  “I believe Jesus and The Bible.  I am a good person.  I am going to Heaven.  I do not need a church.  I will build my own ladder to Heaven.  I need to be me.”  They are smart enough to see through the self-serving shallowness of many denominations, particularly those less than two or two hundred years old.

Class D Protestants “protest” about any serious belief in any Christian denomination or teaching.  They “protest” against the prophets and He Whom they predicted.  They are aware of God.  They realize He has provided rules to follow.  But, they do not recognize the trillions-to-one odds that Prophets wrote down hundreds of specific references to Jesus a thousand years before He was born.  They may be called “Buddhists”, “Shintos”, or one of dozens of other groups.

