Protestantism’s Prosperity Gospels


In history, Protestantism’s Prosperity Gospels took

Protestantism’s Prosperity Gospels took control of social services from celibate Catholic Clergy.  “We get the land and money.  Our obedient flunkies can get jobs, benefits, and pensions providing services!  We’ll rely on forced taxation, rather than voluntary donations!”

Protestantism’s Prosperity Gospels gave its inventors excuses to take Church lands, buildings and services.  They did become “Instant Billionaires” while loyal flunkies took control of the services The Catholic Church had provided.

Protestantism’s Prosperity Gospels set the tone for North America.   Over the next two and a half centuries, Land-Grabbing Protestants exterminated nearly all of  North America’s Indians and stole their land.  Protestantism’s Prosperity Gospels justified the relentless slaughter with the same excuses:  “God wants us to be rich!”

Catholics in The New World, on the other hand, followed Catholic Doctrine.   Their Kings, Cardinals, Bishops, and priests put “Love your neighbor” into practice.  Instead of exterminating Indians and stealing their land, Catholic priests and Orders  built schools, churches, hospitals, and orphanages for Indians.

The difference is clear, today.  In Catholic nations, 85% of peoples still have Indian DNA.

Where Land-Grabbing Protestants preached Protestantism’s Prosperity Gospels, few Indians were left alive.

