“Let’s agree to disagree!” What an insult!

Protestants and Catholics often discuss religion.  When the discussion becomes serious enough to call for change, someone says:  “Let’s agree to disagree!” What an insult!

Truth exists!  He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies told The Truth when He Decreed The Only Church He Founded Into Being by saying to one man, one time:

“. . I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Many Protestants do not want to be bothered doing more than they’re doing.  They do not want to be in The Only Church Jesus Founded.  They want to believe it is enough to say “I believe in Jesus!”

Their underlying thoughts?  “I love my personal opinions too much to change them”.  What that really means is “I worship my personal opinions!  They are my God!”

They live in violation of “Thou shall have no other Gods before Me.”

All of Protestantism insists “I believe some of what Jesus said.  But, I reject The Only Church Jesus Founded. I know more than Jesus does about that!  Please, do not bother me by saying I should be Catholic.”  That is followed by:  “Let’s agree to disagree!”  What an insult!

Catholics must respect Jesus enough to insist:  “I cannot agree to disagree! Your immortal soul is too important!  No one can get into Heaven if they willfully disobey Jesus!  Jesus told us “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”  If you willfully chose to disobey The Church-Founding Decree of Jesus, how can you get into Heaven?”

Protestants reply,  “I do not want to talk about it!  I am happy the way I am!”

Catholics may respond:  “Jesus said we must love our neighbors!  We must love our neighbors enough to encourage them to obey Jesus so they can get into Heaven!   Forgive me for obeying Jesus, but you must strive to respect Jesus enough to be in The Only Church He Founded!”
