Protestantism means never having to say you’re sorry.

Vanity loves Protestantism.  Protestantism means never having to say you’re sorry.   Every evil on earth is the result of willfully disobeying The Only Church Jesus Founded by Decreeing:

“. . I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

The inventors of 45,000 Protestant denominations believe that Jesus gave “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.” to almost everybody!  45,000 ambitious men invented their own Marketing Plan Denominations to get money from those they convince:

“Jesus gave me ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’, too!  He just forgot to say so!  But, I know He did!  He did!  He did!  He really did!”

All Protestants are convinced God gave them “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”  The unavoidable conclusion:  “I may do as I please and get to Heaven!

They began by stealing millions of acres of Church lands and assets.  They killed over a million English, Scottish, and Irish Catholics for being Catholic.  No apologies.  Protestantism means never having to say you’re sorry.

Then, Protestantism came to North America.  Millions of Indians were killed and their land was taken.  Protestants said, “It’s all right to kill Indians and steal their land.  It’s our Christian Duty!”

To this day, the denominations involved do not think their predecessors did anything wrong.  Protestantism means never having to say you’re sorry.

Billions of unborn children have been killed because 45,000 Marketing Plan Denominations were convinced they had “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”.  In recent times, many began to intentionally weaken Catholic Authority and to confuse Catholic Teaching:  “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”

The greatest slaughter of innocents in history continues.  Protestantism doesn’t care enough to stop it.  “If we make a big issue of this, we will lose donations.”

Protestantism means never having to say you’re sorry.
