We plead with Protestant ministers: Defend life!

Jesus was clear:  “Do good to them that hurt you.”  No group has hurt more people than those responsible for confusing Catholic Teaching:  “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”  We plead with Protestant ministers:   Defend life!

In the past fifty years, Protestant denominations have become reluctant to teach that “Thou shall not kill.” applies to the lives of all unborn babies.

Protestant ministers have been in charge of countless congregations among their 45,000 denominations.  They have allowed millions of voters to be distracted by lesser issues.

As a result, billions of unborn children have been killed by abortion and abortion-inducing birth control chemicals and implants.

Those unborn children have lost their lives.  They were sacrificed on the altars of convenience. We see the far, far fewer grandchildren among us because so many of our children were killed.

Many Protestant ministers have blinded themselves and their congregations to the preciousness of  each tiny life.  Each of us, at the moment of our conception, was no bigger than a grain of salt!  We were that tiny!  The DNA molecules of our ancestors were ready to spring into being!

Instead, billions of God’s blueprints have been erased.  The world has lost respect for life.  We cannot avoid the truth:  life has become less precious because so many millions of Protestants were never specifically taught:  “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”

That teaching is purposefully avoided by nearly all Protestant congregations.  Are too many Protestant ministers simply too afraid of losing donations to condemn the killing?  They do not even condemn it among the families of their own congregations and clergy.

While we may not expect them to embrace all Catholic Teachings, surely it is not too much to ask that they return to the Pro-Life positions that Protestantism once held.

Billions of lives are at risk.  Hopefully, all of Protestantism will unite in their defense.  We plead with Protestant ministers:  Defend life!
