“The Christian IQ Test”


Many minds do not work well enough to pass “The Christian IQ Test”.  Those who fail are all around us!  Many of them brag about failing “The Christian IQ Test”. They all agree:

“I am not Catholic.  I know more than Jesus.”

Catholics are stunned to find such vanity.  We may ask:

“How can you possibly believe that you know more than Jesus?  How can you rationally deny His Only Church Founding Decree:  ‘I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’?”

Those who fail “The Christian IQ Test” often respond:  “Jesus never mentioned the word ‘Catholic’!  He did not specifically say that The Catholic Church is the only Church HE Founded!”

Catholics are blessed to think well enough to realize, “The word ‘Catholic’ is in The Church-Founding Decree of Jesus!”

Catholics are blessed with the respect for Jesus to realize:   “The Only Church Jesus Founded has been led by Successors to Peter for 2,000 years.  There has been no change in Catholic Doctrine in The Faith Handed Down from The Apostles.  Other denominations are not led by Successors to Peter.  They have made huge changes in Teaching on marriage, divorce, fornication, abortion, and abortion-inducing birth control chemicals and implants!  Are you not able to see the difference?”

Many minds are too confused to understand such simple truths.   They think that the 45,000 men who invented their own Marketing Plans and turned them into profitable denominations know more than Jesus about which church to be in!

Vanity keeps many from obeying The Only Church-Founding Decree of Jesus.  Willful disobedience keeps many from forever being blessed to be among “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

The vanity of thinking “I know more than Jesus.” leads many to fail “The Christian IQ Test” and reject The Only Church Jesus Founded.
