Protestantism once seemed to have moral credibility.

For four hundred years, Protestant moral teaching agreed with Catholic Doctrine. Divorce, fornication, artificial birth control, and abortion were condemned. Protestantism once seemed to have moral credibility.

Then, Protestantism began to give in to Babylon’s demands for death.

Almost a hundred years ago, Protestantism accepted divorce. Then, artificial birth control. Their Sunday School classes began to shrink. Donations replaced saving souls as the goal. Denominations no longer condemn abortion, pills, chemicals, and implants that kill billions of unborn babies. Professional Protestants know that firm moral stands drive donors to denominations that will allow them to do as they please.


There is an terrifying teaching hidden in Protestantism. They teach that “Thou shall not kill.” does not apply to unborn children. Honest Protestants admit that unborn children, many no bigger than a grain of salt, as we once were, no longer have “a right to life”. Protestant denominations, along with the unborn children in families of their congregations and clergy, began to disappear.


When people are told that it is all right to make their lives easier by getting rid of unborn children, many do.

When Catholic moral teaching was followed, people cherished children. When Protestantism allowed families to get rid of inconvenient children, they did. Protestant denominations, families, and nations began to disappear.

Families and nations stopped having enough children to maintain their populations. Babylon cheered! “We got the Protestants to destroy families with divorce. Then, we got them to kill their unborn children! Soon, we can can start getting rid of older children! Adults! Old people! All who disagree with us must die!”

The killing could have been curtailed if Protestantism had not weakened Catholic Authority to teach and legislate: “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”

Protestantism once seemed to have moral credibility.

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