Some Saints are given knowledge directly from God


Some Saints are given knowledge directly from God that correctly contradicts the “conventional wisdom” of their time.

Until very recently, no one had any idea of how incredibly hot the inside of the earth was. Edgar Rice Burroughs was a very popular writer. After inventing “Tarzan”, he wrote of “another earth” beneath our own. Characters in his novels entered into that “below the surface” world and had great adventures.

Before that, Jules Verne wrote plausibly of “A Journey to The Center of the Earth.”

Recently it was discovered that earth’s core is as hot as the sun!

“The earth’s internal temperature is 1,000 degrees Celsius (about 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit) hotter than previously believed. . . A team of scientists has measured the melting point of iron at high precision in a laboratory, and then drew from that result to calculate the temperature at the boundary of Earth’s inner and outer core — now estimated at 6,000 C (about 10,800 F). That’s as hot as the surface of the sun.”

Who on earth could have predicted such a thing? What merely mortal man might have known that the temperature of the earth was as “hot as the surface of the sun”, so very, very long ago?

G. K. Chesterton knew! In, or before, 1926, Gilbert Keith Chesterton wrote the poem: A Child of the Snows. It contained this startling line:

“And the heart of the earth a star.”

The Catholic Church is considering Canonizing Gilbert Keith Chesterton. Is he a Saint? We won’t know that until the process is complete.

But, we do know that G. K. Chesterton was given awareness of facts that not one person on our planet could have known for until nearly a century after he correctly concluded: “And the heart of the earth a star”!

With the most modern laboratories on earth, scientists have caught up to G. K. Chesterton! We now know that, truly: “And the heart of the earth a star.”

His mind must have been blessed. Some Saints are given knowledge directly from God that correctly contradicts conventional wisdom.

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