Protestantism’s deadly delusion

Protestantism’s deadly delusion is clear. “I want to go to Heaven. I do not want to be in The Only Church Jesus Founded. We Protestants believe that Jesus must let us into Heaven.”

Jesus was very clear about whom He admits into Heaven. His Winnowing Teaching shows that Jesus divides the disobedient from the obedient:

“You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

His “friends” obey Him.

Protestants willfully and knowingly choose to disobey His Only Church-Founding Decree: “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

That is how Protestantism’s deadly delusion keeps them from being among: “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

Jesus made sure there would be no excuse for choosing to disobey Him. Again, He repeated the need to obey Him. He made the need to be obedient even clearer! He said: “If you deny Me before men I will deny you before My Father in Heaven.”

Wow! Two sets of strong firm, undeniable Teachings from He Who Will Judge us! Both of them say: “Obey Me, or suffer the eternal consequences.”

Protestantism’s deadly delusion is clear: “We want to go to Heaven. Jesus has to let my soul into Heaven. Jesus will do what I want. He has to!”

What would lead a rational person to believe that God has to obey them? An overpowering vanity takes takes form in Protestantism’s deadly delusion.

“Since God loves me, He has to let me into Heaven.”

God has blessed us all with free will. We will either choose to obey Him, or we will choose to disobey Him.

Those who willfully choose to disobey Jesus suffer from Protestantism’s deadly delusion.

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