Protestants avoid thinking logically about

Protestants avoid thinking logically about the two simple sentences in Matthew 16: 18-20.

1. “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

That simple sentence tells us that Jesus Only Founded One Church. The Only Church Jesus Founded would be led by Peter and his Successors.

That simple sentence includes The Promise that Jesus made about The Only Church He Founded. Jesus pledged that Catholic Teachings would never be corrupted by error. He promised that even the “powers of hell” would not be able to corrupt Church Teaching.

We compare consistent Catholic Teachings on Marriage. Sadly, Protestantism now allows easy divorces and remarriages.

Catholic Teaching is consistent. The Church condemns fornication, abortion, pills and implants that kill billions of unborn babies.

We compare consistent Catholic Teachings with the donor-chasing doctrines of Protestantism. For 2,000 years, The Only Church Jesus Founded has been led by Successors to Peter with no change in Doctrine.


Then, Catholics consider the Second Sentence in The Church-Founding Decree of Jesus.

2. “I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

We cannot get into Heaven without “the keys”! Even the devil and his fallen angels cannot get into Heaven!

Protestants think they can get into Heaven by themselves. “I have a ‘personal relationship’ with Jesus. He has to let me into Heaven!”


Protestants avoid thinking logically about Jesus’ Church-Founding Decree. Catholics encourage our beloved neighbors to consider two facts and one conclusion.

1. Jesus is always right.

2. Those who disobey Jesus are always wrong.

Therefore: The only people who may get into Heaven are among “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

Jesus’ Teaching is very clear when we think logically.

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“My Yoke is Easy and My Burden is Light.” may be downloaded free at
