Each “Word” of God has many, many syllables.

“In The Beginning was The Word.” Each “Word” of God has many, many syllables. His Words have more syllables than all the books in all the libraries in the world.

Catholics understand that The Word “spoke” Creation into Being with words. He began by speaking the words, “Let there be light.”

“Light” includes the entire Energy Spectrum. His Word includes every form of energy between the blazing sun and cold phosphorescence. Every human word for every form of “energy” is one of the syllables in His Word, “Light”.


It is the same way for “Things”.

When He spoke the Word “Plants”, every plant-connected syllable was spoken into being. Every “Plant” related component, process, and species was Spoken Into Being.

He spoke the Word “Animal”. Every animal from amoeba to zebra was spoken into Being.


The Plant and Animal “Kingdoms” were spoken into being. They operations are related to His Word that spoke the sun into being. We may see His Words as a dictionary. Adam gave human words to describe what God spoke into Being.

Adam’s descendants discover new things. New things are undiscovered syllables in God’s Word. They have always been there. We rearrange them and give them our labels, the same way Adam did.


We often make the same mistake Adam did. “Since I have given a name to something, I have created it!”

When we are blessed to respect God, we find that all there is are His Words. They have taken form in every being and process we are able to know.


Now, we may better understand the words of John, 17:11. “Holy Father, keep those You have given Me true to Your Name, so that they may be One like Us.”

Catholics are “true to His Name. So, we obey His 14-time repeated Words: “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

Catholics receive “The Word of God” within us. Therefore, Catholics we may be “One like Us.”

In The Catholic Church, The Old Testament Psalm 82:6, “Ye are as Gods.” meets The New Testament’s John 10:34 “I said you are Gods.”

Catholics become The Word.

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“My Yoke is Easy and My Burden is Light.” may be downloaded at no charge on catholicfundamentalism.com
