A two-line rhyme gets us in line.


A two-line rhyme gets us in line:

“If you won’t eat His Body and you won’t drink His Blood, / when you go to Judgment, then your name is mud.”


We began as “mud”.   God made Adam from mud.  We see where Adam’s children went!  All but eight of them were washed away in The Flood.

Noah and his immediate family were saved because they passed God’s “Obedience Test”:  “Build a big boat.  Put all the animals you need on it.  I will see you safely through The Flood.”

People laughed while obedient Noah built the huge Ark.  They did not laugh for long.


Many, many thousands of years later, God made another “Obedience Test” for Abraham.  “If you obey Me, you will have more descendants than there are stars in the sky.”

Abraham agreed.  He was so obedient that he was willing to sacrifice his beloved son, Isaac.

Abraham’s descendants multiplied and spread throughout the earth.  Twelve  Tribes of them were freed from bondage.  They were given The Promised Land.  Later, Ten Tribes were evicted from there for being disobedient.  God had them sent North, into The Caucasus Mountains.


There, the Ten Tribes multiplied.  They formed Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Franks, Lombards, Jutes, Angles, Saxons, Normans, and many other Tribes.  They  would become the nations of Europe.  They divided the Old Roman Empire between them as Caucasians became Catholic peoples.

Some of Abraham’s children remained obedient to He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies.  Others disobeyed Jesus.  They ignored the trillions to one odds that Jesus did Fulfill The Prophecies.


Jesus gave us His “Obedience Test”.   He repeated, fourteen times,  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”  That has been God’s  “Obedience Test” for 2,000 years.

That Holy Food is provided only by Catholic priests ordained with the Power to Preside over The Miracle of Transubstantiation.

Catholics pray that all of our beloved neighbors will do what is necessary to receive Catholic Communion and “have life in” them.  We remind them:

“If you won’t eat His Body and you won’t drink His Blood, / When you go to Judgment, then your name is mud.”

It is better to receive Catholic Communion than it is to try and build our own ark.

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