Protestantism:  “I do enough.”  Catholicism:  “I must do better.”

Protestantism:  “I do enough.”  Catholicism:  “I must do better.”

Protestantism produces self-serving silliness.   “I was saved once,  so I am always saved.”  “I believe in  Jesus and The Bible, so I am saved.”  “I have faith, so I am saved.”

Some Protestants claim confirmation by using the Language of The Church:  “Sola Scriptura!  Sola Fides!  Sola Gratia!”  Those phrases translate from Latin into modern languages as “Sola me!”


Catholics know that we must “endure to the end”.   Catholics pray to obey to our dying day.   We strive to avoid temptations.  Catholics are continually reminded of the need to obey He Who will Judge us.

Every Catholic knows:  “I can do better, so I must do better.”


Protestant theology is self-serving.  “I do enough.  God has to let me into Heaven.”

Every Catholic looks at every hour as a challenge.  “I have never even lived one day in obedience to God.  Have I even spent an hour without letting pride, envy, greed, gluttony, anger, lust or sloth keeping me from doing better?   Honestly, I have not spent one waking hour of my life without polluting my soul with some sinful thought!”


Catholics try to follow the examples set by Jesus and His Obedient Saints.  We all fall short.


Protestantism begins with willful disobedience.  “God loves me the way I am.  So, it is my duty to disobey  The Church-Founding Word of Jesus:   “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


Catholics do not want to go to Judgment as some “dog” who has “returneth to its vomit.”

We pray to go to Judgment among “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

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