Who was the first person after The Last Supper to be Baptized?

John the Baptist washed away the sins of many people.  He was getting them, and the world, ready for Jesus.  Jesus fulfilled The Prophecies.  He insisted.  “John, you must Baptize Me.”

John the Baptist obeyed Jesus.


John baptized many, many people.  They are nameless.  But, they were Baptized!  The First Catholic Bishops were Baptized.   Catholics know the Apostles were The First Catholic Bishops.

We know they were Catholic Bishops because they Founded Catholic Churches.

We know they were Catholic Churches because they sent Catholic Representatives to Catholic Councils.  Some still do.

We know they were Catholic Councils because they were convened by Catholic Successors to Peter.

Peter was the only person in History Jesus chose to say:  “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


We don’t know when The First Catholic Bishops were Baptized.  But, they were Baptized.   Who was the first person after The Last Supper to be Baptized?


When Jesus hung in agony on the cross, He breathed.  He perspired.   The “Holy Molecules” of  His breath and perspiration were an invisible mist around the cross.

A thief was nailed to the cross next to Jesus.  Tradition tells us that he did have a name, Dismas.

The thief on the cross was Baptized by the billions of “Holy Molecules” that evaporated from Jesus as He hung on the cross.

After that Baptism, he asked Jesus for forgiveness as they hung in agony

Then, Jesus gave Absolution to St. Dismas with His Promise: “Today, you will be with Me in Paradise.”

St. Dismas was the first person after The Last Supper to receive Catholic Communion.  He breathed in, and swallowed, Holy Molecules of The Holy Blood of Jesus that dripped, evaporated, and blew around The Cross.


St. Dismas was the second named person to be Baptized.

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