History’s Timeline is very clear!

History’s Timeline is very clear! “The Thousand Year Reign” is revealed by The Book of Revelation…It had to begin after Jesus Spoke The Catholic Church Into Being.

Rev. 20:4 is clear about that! “Then, I saw some thrones, and I saw those who are given the power to be judges take their seats on them. I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for having witnessed for Jesus and for having preached God’s Word, and those who refused to worship the beast or his statue and would not have the brand-mark on their foreheads or hands; they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.”


History’s Timeline is very clear! There were many, many Catholic martyrs in the 300 years between St. Stephen and the last Saints to be killed by Rome’s anti-Catholics!

The Bible tells us: those martyrs were empowered to be “judges”. Whom will they judge?  They will “judge” us!  They will judge us on how well we chose to obey Jesus and The Only Church He Founded.

After their martyrdom, “The Thousand Year Reign” could begin!

~Then, it did!~

By a series of incredible Miracles, Constantine came into power! In 313 AD, his Edict of Milan made it legal to be Catholic. Then, more Miracles raised him to be The Emperor of The Roman Empire. “The Thousand Year Reign” began!

During The Thousand Year Reign, billions of people became Catholic!

Each was tested by the usual temptations. Most were spared the horrible deaths inflicted before “The Thousand Year Reign”.

~What happens next?~

History’s Timeline is very clear! Rev 20: 7: “When the thousand year reign is over, Satan will be released from his prison . . .”

“The Thousand Year Reignis over. It came to an end with the first Protestants of the 14th and 15th centuries. They attacked The Church Jesus Founded. They ended Her nearly exclusive “Thousand Year Reign” over Christendom.

45,000 denominations are now led by people who do not want their donors to understand The Bible and History. They would rather talk about being “born again” than understand where they fit into “The Thousand Year Reign” revealed in The Bible’s Book of Revelation.
