Did History begin with opening “The First Seal” in Revelation?

The Book of Revelation is complicated!  We read it dozens of times and learn new things.  12,000 years of Human History fit into Chapter 4 through 8!

Chapter 4:1 tells us that St. John went “Upstairs” in Heaven.  There, he was able to see “what is to come in the future.”  He was seeing the future from its beginning.

God and Heaven are described in Chapter 4 and 5.  There are “a hundred million” angels!


Chapter 5 tells us of the “opening of The Scroll with seven seals.”   We are told of the Only Being in Creation Who could open The Scroll.  He is “the Lion of The Tribe of Judah, the root of David“.

He is Jesus!

St. John tells us that Jesus came before David.  And, after!


Then, Jesus “broke one of The Seven Seals”.  “A white horse appeared, and the rider on it was carrying a bow:  he was given the victor’s crown and he went away to go on from victory to victory.”

A staggering thought came into my mind:  “Is this a History Lesson?”

12,000 years ago, the first cities were founded by early Tribes.  Those cities were attacked and destroyed by men from other Tribes.  Successful invaders used horsepower to increase their manpower.   Most of them used “a bow”!  That extended their power faster and farther than a sword, lance, or spear!

Their “victory after victory” rolled back and forth from China to Ireland over 12,000 years of History!


About  12,000 years ago the oldest known city, Gobleki Tepe, was built in Turkey.   That city was destroyed by “victors”.    Five thousand years later, settlements around places like Stonehenge were built.  They were also destroyed by later “victors”.

Every city was destroyed by the “victors” of the time.  “Victors” won with new weapons and tactics that God inspired them to invent.   Their “crown” was won and worn by “victors” chosen by God!

That is confirmed by Jeremiah 15:12.  “Can a man break iron, iron from the north, or bronze?”   In every age, God gives His earthly avengers the weapons necessary to punish the willfully disobedient.


This is History.  God lets a people prosper.  They become rich.  They become arrogant.  They disobey Him.

Then,  God punishes them.  He gives His “victors” the tools to punish those who chose to disobey Him.

The repeated disobedience, destruction, and rebuilding of Jerusalem are a perfect example of God’s Power throughout the Ages.



1. “the First Seal” was Jesus opening the History that would be written by His “victors”.  They destroyed one disobedient nation after another!

The next Seals show the most important parts of Human History.

2. The “red horse” of The Second Seal was War.

3. The “black horse” of The Third Seal was the power of governments.  It is symbolized by the authority to “ration” Government authority also provides units of measure, like “scales”.

4. The “pale horse” of The Fourth Seal predicted the plagues that were to come.

“They (God’s victors’?) were given authority over all a quarter of all the earth to kill by the sword, by by famine, by plague, and by wild beasts.” 

Micro-Catholics understand!   The “wild beasts” include tiny ones;  deadly bacteria and viruses!  Those “weapons” may have been made by some of the “hundred million” angels!


History is God’s War against Disobedience.   That History began when Jesus opened The First Seal!

The “seals” let God, His Creation, and History come alive in our minds.  May we learn.  May we be, obedient!

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