How long did it take to open The Seventh Seal?

After The Sixth Seal was opened, a “violent earthquake” shook the earth.  Rev. 7 tells us that an angel “carrying the seal of God” stopped four other angels from releasing the “four winds” they kept from blowing over the “land or  sea or trees”.

An Angel “rising from where the sun rises” ordered them:  “Wait before you do any damage. . .” 

Before they unleashed their winds,  144,000 of God’s obedient people from the Twelve Tribes had to be “sealed”.


Then, time went on until until Verse 9.  Then, a number “impossible to count” of God’s Martyrs were in front of The Throne.

One of the Elders seated by God’s Throne asked St. John:  “Do you know who these people are, dressed in white robes, and where they come from?”

St. John answered:  “You may tell me, My Lord.”

The Elder replied:  “They are the people who have been through the great persecution, and because they have washed their robes white in The Blood of The Lamb, they now stand in front of God’s Throne and serve Him . . .”


It was Constantine who issued the Edict of Milan.  Martyrs grew in number until he had stopped the worst persecutions of Catholics in 313 AD.  The 144,000 Hebrews could have been “sealed” at the coming of Jesus, 300 years earlier.  That was when the Old Covenant was replaced with the New.

Did almost three centuries pass before the opening of the Sixth and Seventh Seal?

Was there a delay until the number of martyrs who were “impossible to count” would have “the One Who sits on The Throne will have His tent spread over them.”?


We do know that it was only after they had arrived in Heaven that God would be able to “wipe away every tear from their eyes”.

And, we do know that only then, “The Lamb then broke The Seventh Seal and there was silence in Heaven for about half an hour.”


God was silent.  The Elders were silent.  Choirs of angels were silent.  There was “silence in Heaven”.

We silently think about “silence”.  We realize that for the first time since He said, “Let there be light.”, The Bible tells us that God is silent!

We know that Seven Trumpets are about to be blown!

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