Catholics love The Facts of Our Faith!

The Book of Revelation is filled with facts.   Catholics love facts!   Our faith is built on facts!  There is an important fact in Rev. 9:13 when the Sixth Trumpet was being blown.

“The sixth angel blew his trumpet, and I heard a voice come out of the four horns of the golden altar in front of God.”


a voice” means one “voice”.  Who is that “voice”What is that “voice”?

Catholics know!  Revelations 6:9 tells us!   “When he broke The Sixth Seal, I saw underneath the altar of all the people who had been killed on account of the Word of God, for witnessing to It.”

What did they say with their “voice”?

“They shouted aloud:  Holy, faithful Master, how much longer will you wait before you pass sentence and take vengeance for our death on the inhabitants of the earth?”

So, God’s Martyrs called out!  The golden altar’s four horns were like megaphones.   They gave “voice” to the souls of God’s Martyrs.

Their “voice” was clear!  They cried out in one “voice” for two things!

1.  They cried out for God to “pass sentence”!

2.  Then, they demanded “vengeance”!    They wanted God to punish those who killed them for being obedient to Every Word of God.


Catholics are smart enough to know!  “We do not want them asking God to punish us!

So, Catholics strive to obey Every Word of God.  We begin by obeying His Church-Founding Word:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

~an additional note~

(Catholics love to connect the facts of our Faith!   We know that The “voice” called God “faithful”.  Faithful means “full of faith”.   His Martyrs told us that God is “full of faith”!

Catholics know!  The Word of God contained the word “full” another time!  The Archangel Gabriel relayed This Word of God to Mary at The Annunciation.

“Hail (Mary) full of grace .  . .”

Catholics connect those two facts:

1.  God is “full of faith”.

2.  Mary is “full of grace”.)


What a joy to be Catholic!


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