Why was I a Protestant?  I did not see This Catholic Fact:


Why was I a Protestant?  I did not see This Catholic Fact:

Every Word of Jesus is Truth!

I had read all The Words of Jesus in The Bible.  I believed some of them.  I ignored others.

I disobeyed This Word of Jesus:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.


Every Protestant is led to disobey That Word of Jesus!

I was blessed to see the results of disobeying That Word of Jesus!

There is an awful price to pay for disobeying That Word of Jesus!   I had rejected the only “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” that Jesus left on earth!


I thought about my denomination.  I saw reality:  “My denomination was invented by an ambitious man.  He had a Marketing Plan!”

His salesmen convinced me to follow that Marketing Plan among 45,000 other Protestant Marketing Plans.  They led me to disobey That Word of Jesus.

I realized:  “I am paying them to lead me to forever reject “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”!


I heard my soul!  It spoke clearly to me:  “Get those ‘keys’!”

There was only One Way to get them!   I had to be in The Only Church Jesus had Spoken Into Being!

What did I do next?   I obeyed This Word with Which Jesus Empowered His Catholic priests!

“Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.”

I made a Good Confession!  I received Absolution from the only people on earth empowered to provide it by That Word of Jesus!

Every day, I thank God for letting me see This Catholic Fact!

“Every Word of Jesus Is Truth”!


May all be blessed with the intelligence to see that more quickly than I could!

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