A billion Protestants ignore Twelve Words of Jesus.

Jesus Fulfilled The Prophecies.  He is The Second Person of The Holy Trinity!  He is God!

Catholics know that Every Word of Jesus Is Truth.  We strive to obey Every Word of Jesus.  We begin by obeying His Church-Founding Word:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.” 

No Protestant respects Jesus enough to obey That Word of Jesus!

Catholics do!  We know:  “Judgment is coming!  We want our souls to be forever among the only ones allowed into Heaven.  Jesus told us who they are!”

“You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

For Catholics, His Words are our “commands”.


First, Jesus said:

And I say unto you . . .”  The “And” makes the “I say” especially important among His Teachings.

The “unto you tells every person that Jesus is Speaking to them!  No listener has an excuse to ignore what He is about to say to them!

“thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church  .  .  .” tells us This Truth.  Out of the hundred billion people who ever lived, Jesus selected one person, Simon.

What did Jesus do?

He changed Simon’s name to “Peter”.  What does that name mean?  “rock”.  When Jesus changed His “name”, He changed the “man”!  Peter would go from being a Disciple to being the First Leader of The Only Church Jesus Spoke Into Being!

In “Twelve Words”, Jesus began to Speak The Only Church He Founded Into Being.   Jesus transformed one man into The “Rock” whom He chose to be its Foundation On Earth.


There are about a billion Protestants in the world.  A billion Protestants are led to ignore Twelve Words of Jesus.

Tomorrow, we will focus on the next Fourteen Words of Jesus.

A billion Protestants are led to ignore them, too!

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