Our time on earth began at conception.

Our immortal soul came into being when we were conceived.  Our biological clock began to tick.   Each of us is running out of time on earth.

Our spirit, mind, and body will soon die.

Our soul will live forever.

Some of our souls will be blessed!   They will spend all the time there is in the everlasting joys of Heaven.  Others will suffer the endless agonies of hell.


Jesus told us whose souls He would let into Heaven.  “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

Why do Catholics take Words of Jesus so seriously?

Hundreds of Prophecies predicted His coming to earth.  That could not have been an accident or a coincidence.

It was The Word of God!

Jesus obeyed God every minute of His Life.  After He was dead and buried, He rose from the dead.  He ascended into Heaven.

Every human soul will stand before Him at The Throne of Judgment.

Catholics know:  “Jesus obeyed God.  We must follow His Example!”


Catholics see a “command” in Every Word of Jesus.  We obey The “Command” with Which Jesus Ordered The Only Church He Founded Into Being.

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

We obey That Word by being in The Only Church Jesus Spoke Into Being with His Holy Word.

With each passing day, we have less time to be among His obedient “friends”.  Soon, we will have no time left on earth!


Catholics obey this command:   “Love your neighbor as yourself.”   Catholics obey.  We do not want our beloved neighbors to go to Judgment in willful disobedience.

We show our love by reminding our beloved neighbors of one fact!

Each of us is running out of time to be among His obedient “friends”.

On earth.

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