“Sinful” means “full of sin”. What is “sin”?

Catholics know that Judgment is coming.  Every immortal soul will go to Judgement.  Then, it will be sent for eternity to Heaven or to hell.   Sinful souls are sent to hell.  “Sinful” means “full of sin”.  What is “sin”?

“Sin” is willful disobedience to Any Word of Jesus.


Souls are stained by sin.  Souls are shrunken by sin.   Souls are darkened by sin.

Catholics know that all of us have sinful thoughts.  We say sinful words.  We do sinful deeds.  Our souls are stained, shrunken, and darkened by every sin.


Jesus knew every Temptation.  He did not give into any temptation.  He knew that we would!  He loves us!  He left us His Way to have our souls made clean and bright and full of light!

How did Jesus do that?

Jesus Spoke The Catholic Church Into Being with His Word!  He said to one person in History:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

One of those “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” is Absolution!  Absolution washes our sins away!  Where do we find that “key to The Kingdom of Heaven”?


Jesus gave His First Catholic Bishops, and those Ordained in living link with them, this “key to The Kingdom of Heaven”!

“Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.”


Catholics know!  That is a Word of Jesus.  We know that Every Word of Jesus Is Truth.  We confess our sins, and we receive Absolution!  That is A Promise of Jesus!

Our souls are like freshly cleaned clothes!


The greatest sin on earth is to keep a soul from Absolution!  The Profiteers of Protestantism do not believe Confession to a Catholic priest is necessary.

They make a living by denying That Word of Jesus.

“Sinful” means “full of sin”  What is “sin”?  Keeping ourselves or another from receiving that “key to The Kingdom of Heaven” is a sin.

Is there anything more “full of sin” than keeping another from The Absolution Jesus left for us all?

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