An interesting question! “Who were the first Profiteers of Protestantism?”

An interesting question!  “Who were the first Profiteers of Protestantism?”  We find out in Acts 15: 22-15!

The First Catholic Bishops wrote to early Catholics:

‘The Apostles and the presbyters, your brothers, to the brothers in Antioch, Syria, and Cilicia of Gentile origin: greetings.”

What caused them to write?

“.  .  . we have heard that some of our number who went out without any mandate from us have upset you with their teachings and disturbed your peace of mind . . .”  (emphasis added)

What did they do?   

“we have with one accord decided to choose representatives and to send them to you along with our beloved Barnabas and Paul, who have dedicated their lives to the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.'”


The first Profiteers of Protestantism were already “upsetting” Catholics with self-serving teaching.  They “disturbed” their “peace of mind”!

That’s Protestantism!


Today, Protestants hate for their donors to know that“The Apostles” were the first Catholic Bishops.  Who were the “Presbyters”?  They were the first Catholic priests!

The Catholic Churches they founded sent representatives to Catholic Councils for hundreds of years.   Those Catholic Councils were called by Catholic Successors to Peter.

The Profiteers of Protestantism still hate for donors to understand!  Peter is the only person in History to whom Jesus said:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


The Bible then tells us:

“So we are sending Judas and Silas who will also convey this same message by word of mouth:  ‘It is the decision of the Holy Spirit and of us not to place on you any burden beyond these necessities, namely, to abstain from meat sacrificed to idols, from blood, from meats of strangled animals, and from unlawful marriage.

“If you keep free of these, you will be doing what is right. Farewell .  .  . 

“Upon their arrival in Antioch they called the assembly together and delivered the letter.  When the people read it, they were delighted with the exhortation.”


Today, Protestants blessed to come into The Church are still “delighted with the exhortation”.

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