2. The hard question has an answer.

The hard question has an answer.

Protestants believe in Jesus. Protestants stopped providing This Teaching from The Only Church Jesus gave “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”.

“Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”

Why did Protestants stop teaching that? They wanted donations from those who wanted to use artificial birth control and abortion.


Muslims do not believe in Jesus. But, they are against artificial birth control that kills billions of unborn babies. Some of those killed by pills and implants are smaller than a grain of salt. Each of us was once that tiny.


Who is closer to Jesus? Protestants who believe and disobey? Or, Muslims who do not believe in Jesus but do obey That Catholic Teaching?

Protestants no longer condemn killing unborn babies. Countless millions of them were living in the families of their own congregations and clergy.

There is an element of self-deception. “My Protestant Denomination allows abortion, pills and implants. I am personally opposed to that. I still support my Denomination.”

Their willful support puts Protestants in violation of “Thou shall not kill.”

Protestants knowingly give their support to the greatest loss of life in History.


Muslims are more honest. “We want to take over the world. But, we think it is wrong to kill unborn babies with abortion, pills, and implants.”


Whose side is God on?

Does He favor Protestant nations that allow their unborn babies to be killed? Or, does God favor the Muslims who believe the lives of unborn children should be protected?

Maps show what God has done! Muslims are taking over nations that stopped protecting the lives of their unborn children.

God seems to have sent This Judgment to earth:

“I would rather that nations be Muslim than Protestant.”

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