Who needs The Catholic Church? Billionaires & Bureaucrats & Cities!

Who needs The Catholic Church? Billionaires & Bureaucrats & Cities! We study History.

It took The Roman Empire’s Billionaires, Bureaucrats, and Cities a long time to learn two things!

1. They learned to use Praetorian Guards to keep Urban Mobs in line.

2. They learned that Praetorian Guards quickly became too powerful! They turned into an Urban Mob! They took power away from the Billionaires, Bureaucrats, and Cities!


More Catholics appeared after Nero’s persecutions. Catholics realized: “What a joy to be martyred! What a privilege to be forever among “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

Catholic martyrs led more people to see The New Reality that Jesus had Spoken Into Being with His Word!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


Catholic Churches spread from India to Ireland.

At first, Billionaires and Bureaucrats persecuted them viciously.

After a century or so, smarter Billionaires and Bureaucrats realized something intelligent!

“Every time a person becomes Catholic, the Urban Mobs lose a rioter!”


Smarter Billionaires and Bureaucrats realized: “If we support The Catholic Church, we are making things better for everyone!”

They saw the damage done by early Profiteers of Protestantism! “Groups of Protestants like Donatists and Iconoclasts are created by competing political factions. They keep people from obeying Jesus’ Instructions to ‘respect the government’. We need Catholic order, not Protestant chaos!”


Rome’s “Billionaires” were billionaires! Many had annual incomes of 4,000 to 6,000 pounds of gold! As the Empire became Catholic, those incomes were stabilized.

Rome’s “Bureaucrats” were bureaucrats! They saw the advantages! “We can’t let our secure jobs and pensions be destroyed by orchestrated riots of Urban Mobs.”

Those in Cities saw the advantage of having One Church to represent their interests, too! They found men who took Vows of Poverty, Obedience, and Chastity were trustworthy shepherds.

The Only Church Jesus Founded had made the world a better place for Billionaires, Bureaucrats, and Cities!

We learn from History.

If we want.

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Free e-books and reasons to be Catholic: catholicfundamentalism.com
