May our opinions be built on Words of Jesus.

We all have opinions!

This is a Catholic opinion: “Every Word of Jesus is Truth.”

Another opinion builds on that. “I should try to obey Every Word of Jesus.”

Catholics build our thoughts, words, and deeds on those opinions.


Since Martin Luther, Protestants have had this opinion: “I believe in Jesus so He has to let me into Heaven.”


That opinion is another way of saying: “Jesus has to do what I tell Him to do!”

That opinion is an idol in the mind. It is constructed in Protestant minds by The Profiteers of Protestantism.

The Idol of Protestantism has a name. “My opinion is the most important thing in Creation.”


Many Protestants hate to be reminded: “We are guilty of Self-centered Opinion Worship every time we disobey Any Word of Jesus.”

Protestants all prefer their opinions to This Word of Jesus:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Willful disobedience to That Word of God is a Public Announcement! “I do not need the only ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ that Jesus left on earth! Jesus has to let me into Heaven!”


Vanity overpowers their soul! Protestants will not see what disobeying Jesus has done to them! They have become Living Insults to The Glory of God!

May God bless all of us to better understand!

Jesus Fulfilled The Prophecies. He suffered and died. He left us One Church to provide “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” to His obedient sheep.


Protestants refuse “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” that Jesus died to give us! They reject The Catholic Sacraments! They renounce the help of His Blessed Saints and Angels!

May all of us be blessed to make a Good Confession! May we get our vanity under control while we have time left to do so!

May our opinions be built on Words of Jesus.

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