Catholics realize: “Holy Photons” are God’s Artillery!

Catholics have made an amazing discovery about “Holy Photons”!

We all know that Jesus repeated His Call to Catholic Communion fourteen times! “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

Catholics have obeyed That Word of God for 2,000 years.

Every day, there are 350,000 Catholic Masses! Every year, 127,000,000 million Miracles of Transubstantiation take place! 1,270,000,000 Catholic Masses a decade! 12,270,000,000 a century! Over hundred and twenty billion (120,000,000,000) in the past thousand years!

~ God’s Artillery! ~

“Holy Photons” help us understand The Miracle of Transubstantiation. Catholics realize: “Holy Photons” are God’s Artillery! In those billions of Catholic Masses for 2,000 years, bread and wine have been miraculously transformed into The Body and Blood of Christ.


It is suggested that The Miracle of Transubstantiation is made possible by “Holy Photons”. The bread and wine are “taken by an angel to Heaven”.

That Holy Food is instantaneously transformed into The Body and Blood of Jesus.

Then, this happens! The “Angelic Artillery” fires it back to The Catholic priest who allowed that Word of God to take form on earth.


A Miracle is often overlooked! The “Holy Photons” must be moving at, or beyond, the speed of light.

The “Holy Photons” seem to come to a dead stop in the bread and wine on The Altar!

Those “Holy Photons” did not “stop” when they “hit” The Host. They keep moving! There is a “Miraculously Motionless Motion”! A delayed blast of “Holy Photons” swirls in every Consecrated Wafer and Sip of Wine. The shrapnel of “Holy Photons” explode into their final target! Countless billions of Catholics!

Catholics are blessed! Only we are allowed to receive That Life-giving Blast from God’s “Holy Photons”!

~ God’s Artillerymen! ~

Catholic priests are empowered by This Word of Jesus to make us able to receive His Body and Blood. “Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.”

Catholic priests call in The “Holy Photons” that hit every Catholic soul, spirit, mind, and body.

“Holy Photons” are God’s Artillery.

Catholic priests are “God’s Artillerymen”!

Catholics are blessed. We make ourselves into Grateful Targets for The Power of God, His Artillery, and His Artillerymen!

What a Blessing! To come up from the foxholes of vanity!

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